Notably Quotable: “It’s an absolute certainty that Americans will hide…”

“It’s an absolute certainty that Americans will hide their sniffles, drown their symptoms in over-the-counter drugs, and try to “tough it out” because they can’t afford health care. Besides, they have no paid sick leave, no paid child care, and no guarantee that missing a day’s work won’t mean being cast to the curb. All that “socialist” crap.” — Mark Sumner, America is about to get a godawful lesson in why health care should never be a for-profit business ***** “It’s complete chaos. Everyone is just trying to get a handle on what the [expletive] is going on.” — Senior Trump administration official, Top Trump aides admit…

Russia Monitor: Relax, America, Dr. Trump Goes Full Throttle On “different elements of medical.”

  “The Democrats are politicising the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They’re politicising it. One of my people came up to me and said: ‘Mr President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.’ That did not work out too well. They could not do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. “This is their new hoax.” — Trump at South Carolina rally (2/28/20). ***** “How could anyone refer to this as a ‘hoax’?! I never referred to [the coronavirus] as a ‘hoax’.” — Trump during  press conference (2/29/20). ***** “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of, uh,…

RECKONING: America Is About To Get A Godawful Lesson In Why Health Care Should Never Be A For-Profit Business

COVID-19 is going to swing a big hammer at the glass house of American health care. All anyone can do is hope they don’t get cut in the process. And then vote to change the damn system. By Mark Sumner Daily Kos (2/27/20) For four decades, American corporations have been caught up in a whole series of refinements that are intended to improve efficiency and productivity. Our processes are lean. Our efficiency is six-sigma. Our productivity has mysteriously run far ahead of employee compensation in a way that has made CEOs billionaires while leaving workers on food stamps. It’s a…

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“You Will Never See Your Child Again” — Physician Report Documents The Persistent Psychological Effects Of Family Separation

Asylum narratives documented instances of four parents who were taunted and mocked by immigration authorities when asking for the whereabouts of their children. By Hajar Habbach, MA, Kathryn Hampton, MSt, & Ranit Mishori, MD, MHS Physicians For Human Rights (2/25/20) Executive Summary The Trump administration’s crackdown on asylum seekers has included the brutal intimidation tactics of family separation and family detention. These policies have profound health implications for migrant adults and children and violate basic human rights, including the right to be free from torture and enforced disappearance. A new Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) investigation, based on psychological evaluations of asylum-seeking…

Bipartisan Charlatans & Hypocrites: Let’s Look At Who Really Loves Dictators & Tyrants

By Mehdi Hasan The Intercept (2/27/20) Bernie Sanders’s critics, including his top rivals for the Democratic nomination, want you to believe that Sanders is a communist with a soft spot for Fidel Castro — that he loves dictators and tyrants. The Intercept’s Mehdi Hasan argues that, in fact, Joe Biden and Michael Bloomberg are the ones who’ve long cozied up to autocrats, while Sanders is the only candidate who has given an entire speech about fighting authoritarianism and tyranny around the world. Link to 5+-Minute Video (Commoner Call carton by Mark L. Taylor, 2018. Open source and free for non-derivative…

How Fascism Works: The Nature Of Fascism, Truth & Donald Trump

Our weapons are our high ideals of liberty and equality, and we have to fight to keep those American ideals. By Sean Illing Vox (12/15/18) “Fascism” is a word that gets tossed around pretty loosely these days, usually as an epithet to discredit someone else’s politics. One consequence is that no one really knows what the term means anymore. Liberals see fascism as the culmination of conservative thinking: an authoritarian, nationalist, and racist system of government organized around corporate power. For conservatives, fascism is totalitarianism masquerading as the nanny state. A new book by Yale philosopher Jason Stanley is the latest attempt…

Krystal Ball: ‘Scairdy Cat DNC Fat Cats Scurry To Scrap Bernie’s Big Super Tuesday

Pushback With Aaron (3/1/20) With Bernie Sanders poised for a big Super Tuesday, Krystal Ball discusses the Democratic establishment’s panic, Elizabeth Warren’s attacks on Sanders, and whether DNC elites are once again alienating the working class voters they lost in 2016. Guest: Krystal Ball, co-host of Rising and co-author of the best-selling new book, “The Populist’s Guide to 2020.” Link To 23-Minute Video (Commoner Call cartoon by Mark L. Taylor, 2017. Open source and free for non-derivative use with link to )

American Fuhrer: Delusionary, Dictatorial Donald Trump Is Drunk On Power

What is most troubling are the silences of the countervailing forces that Americans have a right to rely on to fight Trump the tyrant. By Ralph Nader Common Dreams (2/29/20) Delusionary, dictatorial Donald Trump is drunk on power. Trump’s monarchical and lawless actions are a clear and present subversion of our Republic and its Constitution. As soon as the impeachment trial ended and Trump was acquitted by the Senate’s supine Republican courtiers (except for Senator Mitt Romney), vengeance flooded Trump’s fevered mind. Ignoring warnings from his advisors, Trump is lashing out in all directions, unleashing torrents of foul-mouthed tweets. Note…

When Socialism Was Tried In America — And Was A Smashing Success

For much of the 20th century, Milwaukee was run by socialists—and Time magazine called it “one of the best-run cities in the U.S.” By John Nichols The Nation (4/2/19) If I owned all the real estate in the world, I wouldn’t feel so powerful as I do on the streets of this socialist city,” declared former New York City councilman Baruch Vladeck when he arrived in Milwaukee in 1932 for the Socialist Party’s national convention in that city. Norman Thomas, the famed civil-rights and economic-justice campaigner who became the party’s presidential nominee that year, celebrated the fact that he was chosen for that honor…

Target Raised Wages, Then Slashed Workers’ Hours & Doubled Their Workload

By Michael Sainato The Guardian (2/27/20) Adam Ryan, 31, has worked at Target in Christiansburg, Virginia, for three years. He works additional jobs whenever he’s able to, but is regularly scheduled only 20 hours per week at Target, despite having open availability. “I have to live with my family because I can’t afford rent on my own. I don’t have health insurance. I’ve had a rotting tooth in my mouth for years that I haven’t been able to receive treatment. I’ve applied for Medicaid in Virginia and every time I’m told I make too much money, and Target has told me…

Forget Donny’s Wall: How Gangs Control Honduras & How The US Could Be Of Real Help In Stemming The Flow Of Refugees

Vice News (2/29/20) Created on the streets of Los Angeles in the 1980’s, gangs like MS-13 and Barrio 18 were exported to Central America in a wave of deportations starting 20 years ago. Back in their home countries, these gang members found a power vacuum and only grew in strength. Without an effective judicial system, countries like Honduras struggled to deter crime or contain gang activities. But recently, the situation has begun to change and violent crimes has started to decrease. VICE visits the Honduran prison system and watches as the government tries to bring peace to the country. Link…

ON CONTACT: Outcome Of Julian Assange Extradition Case Could Provide News Blackout Of Govt. Crimes

Psychological torture, faulty evidence, abusive treatment, isolated in courtroom glass cage and kept from attorneys. By Chris Hedges On Contact / RT America (2/29/20) On the show this week Chris Hedges talks to Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News, about his coverage of US prosecutors in London attempting to extradite Julian Assange to the United States to face trial for allegations of espionage. Link To 28-Minute Video

Here They Come Again: The Kind Of Neoliberal Democrats Who Actually Prefer Trump Over Sanders

Here’s the question: to what extent is the Establishment’s commitment to democratic institutions greater than their commitment to current forms of capitalist hierarchy? It seems like we are about to find out. By Adolph Reed Jr. Common Dreams (2/11/20) Twenty-four years ago, I published an essay titled “Liberals, I Do Despise” in the Village Voice, which Common Dreams reprinted as an enduring oldie in 2009. The title was a play on an old doggerel, in this case rendering it: Liberals and flies, I do despise The more I see liberals, the more I like flies. I wrote the essay in disgust after Bill Clinton concluded…

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‘Outright Rejection Of Democracy’ — A ‘brokered convention’ To Block Bernie Sanders Would be A Poison Pill

  What’s the point in having primaries if party insiders at the convention just override the result? By Nathan Robinson The Guardian (2/25/20) Something deeply troubling happened during last week’s Democratic presidential debate, though it was overshadowed by Michael Bloomberg’s spectacular implosion. Towards the end, the candidates were asked whether they believed that the person who receives the most votes should be given the Democratic nomination. The only candidate who said “yes” was Bernie Sanders. All of the others said they wanted the “process” to “play out”. If “superdelegates” swung the nomination to a candidate with fewer votes, it would be confirmation that…

America’s Top 10 Corporate Tax Avoiders, Cheats & Freeloaders You Pay For

  Sen. Bernie Sanders Senate Website 1. General Electric From 2008 to 2013, while GE made over $33.9 billion in United States profits, it received a total tax refund of more than $2.9 billion from the Internal Revenue Service. G.E.’s effective U.S. corporate income tax rate over this six year period was -9 percent. In 2012, GE stashed $108 billion in offshore tax havens to avoid paying income taxes. If this practice were outlawed, GE would have paid $37.8 billion in federal income taxes that year. During the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve provided GE with $16 billion in financial assistance, at a time when its CEO…

Russia Monitor: Trump & Team Going Viral

  “U.S. health authorities, managing 59 cases so far – mostly Americans repatriated from a cruise ship in Japan – have said a global pandemic is likely.” — Reuters (2/24/20) By Dan Peak The Commoner Call (2/28/20) Dear Fellow Readers, Is the Coronavirus Trump’s — and our — Katrina moment? Is this the crisis we hoped we’d never have to experience with Trump in the White House? To date Trump has ‘led’ a US response to a possible global pandemic with the typical skills he brings to the job every day – bad information and blaming others. On January 22 Trump…

Inevitable: It’s Time For Families To Plan For COVID-19 Outbreak

Everyone should think about what they would need to care for sick family members at home. By Dan Gunderson MPR (2/24/20) So far, there are a few dozen confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, in the United States. But Minnesota Department of Health infectious disease director Kris Ehresmann said it’s very likely there will be outbreaks of the virus here. And Michael Osterholm, an expert in infectious disease at the University of Minnesota, said people should assume the virus will hit hard. Ehresmann said Monday that the state is well prepared to identify cases quickly…

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Medicare For All: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

While the Tuesday South Carolina Democratic Presidential ‘Debate’ did little to nothing to enlighten voters, comedian John Oliver actually did an excellent job recently exploring the need, means and some critical myth busting about Medicare For All. While the game show theatrics and crowd pumping format of American political “debate” extravaganzas too often offer up little to enlighten voters, comedians frequently have a way of slicing through the campaign and media BS to the truth. Oliver did just that in this segment … with humor to ease the way. Link To 20-Minute Video

ENOUGH! ‘Audience Full Of Really Rich People’? $1,750+ Ticket Prices For Dem Debate Debacle Spark Disgust

“I think it speaks to the fundamental, endemic corruption of the Democratic Party establishment that you had to pay… multiple thousands of dollars to get into that room.” [Editor’s Note: Shortly after reading this I found an email from Tom Perez crying for money to the DNC. I dleted it and donated money instead to the Sanders campaign. I’m tired of hearing from the wealthy drones in the dem party and I am REALLY sick of the glitzy game show atmosphere of the dem debates. — Mark L. Taylor] By Jake Johnson Common Dreams (2/26/20) Unusually loud booing and jeering directed…

Why Is There No Smedley Butler Today?

Why no retired generals oppose America’s modern forever wars. By Danny Sjursen Common Dreams (2/20/20) There once lived an odd little man—five feet nine inches tall and barely 140 pounds sopping wet—who rocked the lecture circuit and the nation itself. For all but a few activist insiders and scholars, U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley Darlington Butler is now lost to history. Yet more than a century ago, this strange contradiction of a man would become a national war hero, celebrated in pulp adventure novels, and then, 30 years later, as one of this country’s most prominent antiwar and anti-imperialist dissidents. Raised…

The New York Times’ First Article In 1922 On Hitler’s Rise Should Be A Lesson For Today’ Media

  [Editor’s Note: As we have often seen, the American media has been unprepared to deal with the crass cruelty and danger of the Trump administration. By repeatedly pulling punches and using euphemisms like “misstatement” to describe Trump’s “lies” they have too often padded the sharp edges of Trumps reality. This excellent story shows how such journalistic timidity puts all of us at risk. — Mark L. Taylor] By Zack Beauchamp Vox (3/3/16) On November 21, 1922, the New York Times published its very first article about Adolf Hitler. It’s an incredible read — especially its assertion that “Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not…

Notably Quotable: “The people in power would not be working so hard to silence those of us who…”

“The people in power would not be working so hard to silence those of us who care deeply about American democracy if they thought our actions didn’t matter.” — Heather Cox Richardson, The History Of American Political & Social Reform Has Always Begun By People Speaking Out ***** “Let’s just go on the record. They talk about 40 Democrats. Twenty-one of those are people that I spent a hundred million dollars to help elect. All of the new Democrats that came in and put Nancy Pelosi in charge and gave the Congress the ability to control this president, I bough—…I, I got…

Worshiping Bloomberg: The False Savior Of Wall Street & The Corporate Dems

As was true in FDR’s first campaign back in 1933, this is not the time for fear and half-measures. By Mark L. Taylor The Commoner Call (2/24/20) Weird times bring forth weird players. For example, there is the failed, bankruptcy-bouncing, scamming real estate hustler and off-and-on Democrat who jumps from reality television to become the Republican president of the United States. Now, in the midst of the Democratic primary scrum for the 2020 presidential election a long-time, hardcore Wall Street Republican renounces all but his name to campaign for the party’s nomination. And nobody can deny that Facebook is one…

The History Of American Political & Social Reform Has Always Begun By People Speaking Out

Americans change politics first by changing minds. By Heather Cox Richardson Letters From An American (2/22/20) A lot of folks have been asking me lately if America has ever been in such a crisis before and, if so, what people in the past did to save democracy. The answer to the first question is yes, it has, three times, although only once was this bad. In the 1850s, the 1890s, and the 1920s, oligarchs took over the nation’s government, controlling the White House, Congress, and the courts. In the 1850s, elite southern slaveholders took over the Democratic Party and insisted…

Historian Timothy Snyder Evaluates Whether Or Not The U.S. Is Sliding Towards Tyranny

  Amanpour & Company (2/18/20) President Trump has just announced the sentence commutation of former Illinois Governor Rob Blagojevich, a move that arrives just days after the DOJ overruled a harsher prison sentence for Roger Stone. Given the increased White House involvement in judicial matters, Yale University’s Timothy Snyder, a historian and author who has devoted much of his career to understanding the rise of tyranny in different parts of the world, sits down with Ana Cabrera to discuss his concerns about a worrying trend taking root in the U.S. Link To 20-Minute Video

Russia Monitor: The Trump Purge Begins

  The Alarms Are Sounding; We Are At Risk! By Dan Peak The Commoner Call (2/24/20) Dear Fellow Readers, We are at risk. So says Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor; so says retired Admiral William H. McRaven; so says U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson. The big news for a few hours was a court admission by lawyers for WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange, currently fighting a US extradition order to face charges in the US. In a London courtroom Assange’s lawyers asserted that in 2017 he had been offered a pardon by Trump if he would absolve Russia of the…

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Joe Rogan & Bernie Sanders: One Of The Best, Most Indepth Interviews You Will Find

By Mark L. Taylor Commoner Call (2/24/20) In today’s hyped up, hurly-burly BS pace of mass media there are precious few opportunities to see a calm, detailed discussion with a candidate, but his hour-plus interview of Bernie Sanders by Joe Rogan is unique. The interview was done on the Joe Rogan Experience August 6, 2019. This is a great opportunity to hear Bernie’s thoughts, concerns and proposals. The comment below was one of the online reactions to the interview. The highlighted sentence is spot-on. No doubt, the owners of the corporate media understand the point, but the friction of right-left…

A New Book From Mike McCabe: Unscrewing America: Hints & Hopes From The Heartland

Little Creek Press Anyone puzzled by the state of the union had better carefully study places like Mike McCabe’s home state of Wisconsin. Clues to solving the riddle are hidden there. Unscrewing America explores how and why American politics has taken a turn toward madness, and describes how and why so many Americans have come to believe the nation’s best days are in the rear-view mirror. But the book doesn’t dwell on diagnosis. It emphasizes cure. Unscrewing America is part travelogue, part case study, part manifesto, part how-to guide. At the book’s core is the belief that the best solutions…

Malcolm X’s Daughter Ilyasah Shabazz On Her Father’s Legacy & The New Series “Who Killed Malcolm X?”

  Democracy Now! (2/21/20) Fifty-five years ago today, Malcolm X was assassinated. The civil rights leader was shot to death on February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City. He was only 39 years old. Details of his assassination remain disputed to this day. Earlier this month, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance said he was considering reopening the investigation, just days after a new documentary series about the assassination was released on Netflix called “Who Killed Malcolm X?” It makes the case that two of the three men who were convicted for Malcolm X’s murder are actually…

Martin Luther King Jr’s (Democratic Socialist) Dream

  Featuring audio clips and quotes from King that will not be featured & celebrated on the evening news or taught in schools. By Michael Moore Rumble (2/20/20) Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy has been sanitized by mainstream American society, erasing his fierce anti-capitalist and anti-war advocacy. Before he was assassinated, King was forcefully denouncing the “three evils” in America — racism, militarism and a corrupt economic system — and arguing that these three evils were all tied together. For this MLK Day episode, Michael Moore shares audio clips and quotes from King that will not be celebrated on the…

We Have 10 Years Left To Save The World, Says Climate Expert

By  Laura Paddison HuffPost (2/21/20) The next decade will determine what kind of a world we will create. We can do nothing in the face of a climate crisis that is showing its strength through devastating fires, floods and extreme heat, and usher in a dystopian world of choking pollution and huge swaths of unliveable land. Or we can act. Everyone, from individuals, to companies, to cities, to countries, works to cut their emissions in half by 2030, steering us away from catastrophe and towards a low-carbon, healthier, happier world. These are the two worlds Christiana Figueres sets out in her new book…

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Our Journey From Citizen To Consumer

“Neoliberal democracy. Instead of citizens, it produces consumers. Instead of communities, it produces shopping malls. The net result is an atomized society of disengaged individuals who feel demoralized and socially powerless. In sum, neoliberalism is the immediate and foremost enemy of genuine participatory democracy, not just in the United States but across the planet, and will be for the foreseeable future.” — Noam Chomsky

UNCONSCIONABLE: American Universities Profit From Developing Nuclear Weapons

  By Beatrice Fihn Newsweek (11/13/19) Americans like a good comeback story, but the recent revitalization of the nuclear arms race is not one to be cheered. President Trump plans to charge the American taxpayer nearly $100,000 a minute to expand the nation’s nuclear weapons capabilities. Other nuclear-armed countries are doing the same. A new generation of nuclear weapons requires a new generation of workers to develop and maintain these weapons of mass destruction. The National Nuclear Security Administration reported to Congress that 40 percent of its workforce will be eligible to retire in the next five years. Defense spending produces…

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The Classic Faustian Bargain Of New Intrusive Age Of Surveillance Capitalism

  “The real psychological truth is this: If you’ve got nothing to hide, you are nothing.” ― Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism ***** What happens to our pics on social media and what does that have to do with the persecution of the Uighars in China? (Scrape, scrape, scrape…) What is Pokémon Go really about? (Talk about child abuse.) Who was really behind Google Earth? (One shouldn’t be too surprised.) How much info do they really have about us? (Waaaay more than we volunteer.) Can there be a hidden microphone in your new home security system that isn’t revealed in the…

Well, They’ve Got A Point: Iran Says US Should Focus On Fixing Its Own ‘Nontransparent’ & Undemocratic Elections Before Lecturing Others

Two of the last three presidents have lost the popular vote yet won the presidential election thanks to the Electoral College. By Jake Johnson Common Dreams (2/17/20) The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Monday urged U.S. officials to focus on fixing their own country’s “nontransparent” and undemocratic system before calling into question the legitimacy of elections in other nations. Abbas Mousavi, spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, told reporters that the U.S. system “ignores the vote of the majority of people” and said “American officials had better address questions” about the country’s elections from the U.S. public. Mousavi appeared to be referring to the Electoral College,…

Republican Assurances That Trump Has “Learned A Lesson” Echo The Rise Of Another Tyrant…

“Only [Theodore] Duesterberg, who had been subject to scathing attacks from national socialists [Nazis] only months before for having a Jewish grandfather, warned against “the dynamics of Hitler’s nature and his fanatic mass movement.” Hugenberg brushed aside such concerns, arguing that the dominance of traditional conservatives in the cabinet would neutralize the threat of Nazi abuse of power and “fence Hitler in.” Duesterberg prophesied that Hugenberg “would one night have to flee through his ministerial gardens in his underwear to avoid arrest.” Few traditional conservatives were that prescient. Most were aware of the risk entailed by a pact with Hitler…

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Russia Monitor: Pardon Me, Please, Master!

  By Dan Peak Commoner Call (2/20/20) Dear Fellow Readers, The question I raised in the last edition of The Russia Monitor was whether the media representation of a Department of Justice (DOJ) rift between Trump and his personal lawyer and attorney general William Barr was real or Kabuki Theater. What has been made more clear, Trump sees himself as dictator of conduct and outcome for DOJ for his administration and personal interest. Barr is not unimportant but, like any Trump associate or sychophant, it’s a one-way relationship – Trump doesn’t do advisers, just placeholders for the day he’ll need…

Democracy vs. Dictatorship: Don’t Let Bloomberg Muddy That Choice

If there is one way for the Democrats to bungle this battle for democracy, Bloomberg is it. By Laura Flanders Common Dreams (2/15/20) The 2020 presidential race didn’t get decided this week, but the choice before us did: more democracy or less of it. That’s the decision we are facing, and if the Democrats manage to foul this up, they may not get another chance. The very same day that New Hampshire held its primary, the president was out there bullying federal workers via Tweet. By the end of the night, Trump’s criminally-convicted chum Roger Stone’s sentence was suspended, and…