Of Lies & Blood Of Innocents: A Dose Of Reality On George H.W. Bush’s True Dark Legacy


Mehdi Hasan On George H.W. Bush’s Ignored Legacy: War Crimes, Racism & Obstruction Of Justice

With the sanctions, with the devastation that came in the ’90s and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi kids who died. That all started on George Bush Sr.’s watch.

Democracy Now! (2/3/18)

George H.W. Bush died in Houston on Friday night at the age of 94. Bush was elected the 41st president of the United States in 1988, becoming the first and only former CIA director to lead the country. He served as Ronald Reagan’s vice president from 1981 to 1989. Since Bush’s death, the media has honored the former president by focusing on his years of service and his call as president for a kinder, gentler America. But the headlines have largely glossed over and ignored other parts of Bush’s legacy.*

We look at the 1991 Gulf War, Bush’s pardoning of six Reagan officials involved in the Iran-Contra scandal and how a racist election ad helped him become president. We speak with Intercept columnist Mehdi Hasan. His latest piece is titled “The Ignored Legacy of George H.W. Bush: War Crimes, Racism, and Obstruction of Justice.”

Link to Story, Transcript and 30-Minute Video

  • Link to special counsel’s office report on George H.W. Bush’s role in the illegal Iran Contra Affair, HERE


How Lies, False Testimony & Massive U.S. Propaganda Machine Bolstered George H.W. Bush’s War On Iraq

“I’ll never forget George McGovern saying to me — having been a bomber pilot in World War II— saying, “You know, most of us came back from World War II—most of us who came back from World War II had had enough. Bush didn’t get enough, didn’t get enough violence.”

Democracy Now (12/5/18)

As the media memorializes George H.W. Bush, we look at the lasting impact of his 1991 invasion of Iraq and the propaganda campaign that encouraged it. Although the Gulf War technically ended in February of 1991, the U.S. war on Iraq would continue for decades, first in the form of devastating sanctions and then in the 2003 invasion launched by George W. Bush. Thousands of U.S. troops and contractors remain in Iraq.

A largely forgotten aspect of Bush Sr.’s war on Iraq is the vast domestic propaganda effort before the invasion began. We look at the way U.S. media facilitated the war on Iraq with journalist John “Rick” MacArthur, president and publisher of Harper’s Magazine and the author of the book “Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the 1991 Gulf War.”

Link to Story, Transcript and 25-Minute Video


Remembering George H.W. Bush’s Inaction On AIDS At Home While Detaining HIV+ Haitians At Guantánamo

Bitter Irony: Bush Died On World AIDS Day.

Democracy Now! (12/3/18)

George H.W. Bush died in Houston on Friday night at the age of 94. Bush was elected the 41st president of the United States in 1988, becoming the first and only former CIA director to lead the country. He served as Ronald Reagan’s vice president from 1981 to 1989. Since Bush’s death, the media has honored the former president by focusing on his years of service and his call as president for a kinder, gentler America. But the headlines have largely glossed over and ignored other parts of Bush’s legacy. We look at the 1991 Gulf War, Bush’s pardoning of six Reagan officials involved in the Iran-Contra scandal and how a racist election ad helped him become president. We speak with Intercept columnist Mehdi Hasan. His latest piece is titled “The Ignored Legacy of George H.W. Bush: War Crimes, Racism, and Obstruction of Justice.”

Link to Story, Transcript and 8-Minute Video (30-Minute Mark)


A Commoner Writes:

I loved the pieces that you published [12/3] about Poppy Bush on Monday. In addition to what you shared with your readers, I would suggest that they also check out two other books. One is Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Yearsby Russ Baker. It’s a fantastic book that chronicles both Poppy and W and their nefarious deeds.
Another book that folks should read is actually online. It’s called George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin.
Keep up the great work.
Bob Fox