Country Before Party Campaign: DC Billboards Thrilling Tourists By Putting Russpublicans On The Spot

(Art by Michael D’Antuono)

Citizens concerned about willful ignorance.

By Michael D’Antuono
YouTube (5/11/18)

Artist/activist, Michael D’Antuono took his art and message to our nation’s Capitol with his “Country First” fleet of mobile billboards. The message is aimed at the GOP to put country before party, protect us from Russian hacking of our elections and a president potentially compromised by Putin, porn stars and playmates. Along the way he interviewed tourists both domestic and foreign about Trump, the GOP and the state of our democracy.

10-Minute Video

  • Cast Your Vote: Do You Think The GOP Wants To Get The Truth Concerning Trumputin’s Involvement In The Russian Hacking Of Our Elections? HERE