MSNBC, The Liberal Network? Please. Here’s How Corporate Media Really Works

MSNBC Ordered Ed Schultz Not To Cover Bernie Sanders, Then Fired Him.

[Editor’s Note: There’s also good information in this clip regarding the duplicitous actions of the corporate-dependent Democratic Party leadership. — Mark L. Taylor]

The Young Turks (4/19/18)

The owners of MNSBC hate Bernie Sanders, and don’t want their hosts talking about him. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

“Former MSNBC host Ed Schultz opened up in a recent interview about why he believes he was fired in 2015. Schultz, who’s now anchor of a show on RT, told National Review‘s Jamie Weinsteinthat he believes it was because he supported Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), which was problematic, he charged, because the network was “in the tank for Hillary Clinton.” He described how MSNBC chief Phil Griffin was a “watchdog” who closely managed which stories were covered, and relayed one incident where his story about Sanders’s launch of his campaign was bumped in favor of other news.”

Link to 13-Minute Video