“We Need Your Help” – A Plea To Intelligence Agencies Of What’s Left Of The Free World…

The Resistance (5/11/17)

The government of the United States is no longer in the hands of the people. We are victims of a coup.

There is no time left for protocols or estimations of long-term impacts. What you have we need and we need it now.

The Trump administration – the Trump junta is playing by no rules.

What you, in the FBI and the CIA and the Justice Department, have on Trump we need now because by tomorrow it might disappear and your ability to do anything with may disappear as well. You must be the patriots now.

We Need the Help of Intel Agencies Around the World. The fate of all freedoms may rest in your hands. If we go under, you go next. The freedom you save will be your own.

Link to 7-Minute Video


Calling All Patriotic Civil Servants: If  You Or Someone You Know Has Access To Information On The Trump/Russia Investigation Now Is The Time To Make It Public!

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